At H2O Health Hydration Oasis, we have introduced PRP (platelet-rich plasma) therapy and a new IV Therapy drip cocktail to complement, the Max Pro Ortho. If you are experiencing orthopedic, bone, or joint issues or possibly even trying to delay surgery or recovering from one, our PRP therapy and IV Therapy drip cocktail can make a world of a difference. Both PRP and Max Pro Ortho can work together to deliver you the relief you’ve been searching for!
Healing Your Body from Within
PRP therapy is a move to get your body feeling like itself again. PRP therapy uses injections consisting of a concentration of a patient’s own platelets to accelerate the healing of injured joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. By using one’s own platelets, the body uses its own healing mechanism to improve musculoskeletal issues. Platelets are injected directly into the injured tissues.
Ending Inflammation
A lot of time, when your body or joints are feeling well, it’s due to inflammation within the body. It’s when your body’s immune system responds to irritation. Inflammation can look like the following: redness, swelling, heat, pain, and loss of function. One of the key ingredients in our Max Pro Ortho IV Therapy cocktail is CoQ-10 which is naturally found in the body. It helps to generate fuel for your cells. It also has the ability to reduce inflammation while being able to decrease cell stress.
Minimizing Pain
As we age or if we excerpt ourselves, our bodies might feel pain in places such as our backs, knees, and joints. But this pain doesn’t have to be something that is lived with daily. When receiving our Max Pro Ortho Therapy cocktail, also contains glucosamine and calcium. Glucosamine is a natural sugar found in the fluids around the joints and is used to treat pain caused by inflammation and the breakdown of cartilage. Calcium has always been an important nutrient in our body, it works to reduce joint inflammation while keeping your body strong.
When it comes to restoring your body, our PRP injections will help your body heal quicker and from within. But the recovery from pain and inflammation doesn’t have to stop there. By receiving our new Max Pro Ortho IV Therapy cocktail, you can feel the like yourself again. Call 262.277.1018 to schedule a FREE consultation today!