We know that you don’t have time to get sick. Everyone has had one of those mornings where they wake up and start to feel a tickle in their throat or have noticed they’re feeling a bit congested. And then it continues to get worse. Getting sick is a major inconvenience for anyone. Beyond not feeling well, you may have to miss work, school, or other activities and commitments you had planned for that day. Even though you might do everything right – take your vitamins, use disinfectant wipes, wash your hands throughout the day, and avoid others who are under the weather – sometimes it’s just unavoidable. Especially this time of year.
But don’t worry! If you find yourself under the weather, we’ve got the perfect solution for you. Meet the Sick Day Support IV therapy cocktail.
Even though you may not want to when you are sick, it’s important to slow down and give your body the rest and nutrients it needs to recover. Thankfully, our Sick Support cocktail is designed with sickness recovery in mind. The saline solution will help rehydrate, while the NSAID Toradol helps to ease any body aches, headaches, and fever. It also includes tried-and-true antioxidants like vitamin C, glutathione, and selenium to fight off those nasty free radicals, as well as B vitamins for energy, L-glutamine for intestinal support, and minerals for immune support. By harnessing the antioxidant power of over 300 oranges without the hassle of all that peeling and eating, you can get better fast with the Sick Day Support IV therapy cocktail.
If you’re feeling a little under the weather, but don’t want to get stuck missing work or other important agendas with a cold or flu, call us at 262.277.1018 to schedule an appointment for your Sick Day Support cocktail!